Published on December 31, 2020 (Updated on October 06, 2022)

Sunrise Shader Renewed v1.4! - Discontinued (Only for Android/iOS)

The sunrise shader is back now with more realistic graphics to enhance the gaming experience with its incredible beauty and the best thing about this shader is its performance that you can run on low resource phones 1GB ram - 2GB ram. Only compatible for Android and iOS



Select version for changelog:


Important announcement!!!

  • This latest update brings minor changes as in the optimization
  • I am sorry to inform you that the sunrise shaders are discontinued but this is due to the change in the graphics engine, in the same way if I find a way to make them compatible with renderdragon of course I will publish it. Thanks for downloading this shader :)


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Pinned comment
kwisatz haderach May 06, 2022 at 4:46 am
IMPORTANT: this will not work on 1.18.30 and above for ios and android, and will not work on 1.16.200 and above for win10
just rename it from zip to mcpack
atualize para a 1.20 por favor, esta é minha shader favorita. ela é surreal de linda, não existe shaders tão boas quanto essa para a bedrock 😭
Update to 1.19.40 pls
Please make a 1.19 update for this i really like this shaders
Most likely yes, it all depends if I learn about the graphics engine (renderdragon)
meanwhile I will be making resource packs where I modify textures to simulate the shaders in some features
hello can you lower the brightness of this shader. because this shader is very bright, even though I have lowered the brightness in my mcpe settings. but this shader is still very bright
if there is a new update I will do it friend
Se ve hermoso lastima que no podre usarlo por compatibilidad xDDD EFESISIMA
Concuerdo contigo que lastima... Extraño el antiguo motor grafico:(
I tried it and i can confirm it does not work with anything above 1.18.30
It’s a pity, of course, that it doesn’t support 1.18.30 and above, why just write what it supports 1.18.20 even if this version didn’t come out what kind of nonsense
I never commented that it works in 1.18.20, I only said in previous versions like 1.18.10, 1.17, 1.16... What a nonsense comment
Just to elaborate, it will not work in the mentioned versions (check pinned comment) due to render dragon, as is obvious, it is a new way of rendering bedrock which does not support 3rd-party shaders, but it may be able to in the future, so RIP shaders for the time being, hope you get back into it soon TheAlexander o>
kwisatz haderach May 06, 2022 at 4:46 am
IMPORTANT: this will not work on 1.18.30 and above for ios and android, and will not work on 1.16.200 and above for win10
//jettski//mods//™// February 11, 2022 at 8:59 pm
I'm sure this is a great shader but everything for me is just blue aall the blocks everything plz fix
you dont know how long i waited for the dun to rise there is no difference
Saids the guy who made
"Porkchop to haram"
And wth is among us totem?
The texture of the totem is bad ngl
Ooopsie i have gotten overboard
You literally had to wait at max 10 minutes.
I love the light coloring effect in the end dimension its so superb also cute.......

But can you change the light colors effect on the water.....from bluish colors make it whiter and also the can you change or add this in option , the color & depth of the water make it more lighter black( imean the opacity of the black)also the deep you are the more darker it will be

Last can you remove the shineey leyniar effect when you dive on the water cause it lags on ma phone....sorry