Tameable Bees Addon

I hope you know what bees are...everyone knows. In Minecraft bees can only be use to produce honey, even if you spend time with them (that is farm out honey from them) they still don't really care about you. This addon allows you to tame bees! once tamed they will respect you and care for you :)

I Make Addons/Videos like this weekly, please encourage me by subscribing my YouTube Channel - Anni boy ( https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-yIngS4TzpMMzimHInedw ) If you don't encourage me/support me, it MIGHT be that I stop making addons like these so please do 😭

Select version for changelog:


Added a few more things:

  • FAQ
  • Help in fertilization image
  • Decreased the max temper of a bee for tame
  • You still can't ride it (Maybe possible in future updates)


Installation Guides

Does the bee become untamed if they go in a nest or no?
no, dont worry 😊
beeboi10101010101 May 13, 2022 at 9:47 pm
this should be in main game ngl
heyitsarandomgrayscribble September 22, 2021 at 10:30 am
Very good mod! Also, great idea, bees are very cute!
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