The Fallen Kingdoms The New Awakens
Rule:2 team fight to the death
RULE:To play, you need at least 2 opposing teams. The object of the game is to own the opponent's vault room for more than a minute.
The game was invented by Zelvac. The first official season (Fallen kingdoms season 01 day 01) is with Unsterbliicher, Kigyar69 against IndyanaNatyu and Zelvac. The rules were the same as those listed below, with a few minor things:
- The bases were 30 times 30 in the original series
- No fault obligation in the wall
- There were objectives to complete: Have a wall of at least one block wide and five high; have a safe room; and two construction objectives (season 1: create an oasis and a pyramid; season 2 a mansion and a French garden, etc.)
Select version for changelog:
The Changelog is Nothing (idk what a changelog is xD)