Published on November 09, 2021 (Updated on November 13, 2021)

Craftable Chain Armor with Chain Tools V1.5

Hello there!

 Are you curious that Chain Armor Recipe aren' t added in Minecraft? 

You can' t craft Chainmail Armor but the game has chains?

 Chains are quite useless huh? Do you want a use of it?

 Well SAY NO MORE because Chain will be a star of my Addon the best of the best! 

Introducing my... 

Craftable Chain Armor with Chain Stuffs ! (NEW! V1.5)

 Made by: NotYetamis  

Select version for changelog:


New in V1.5:

  • Added more Foods.
  • Made the Tools Durability to Exact same as the other Chain Tools.
  • Added Chain Blocks.
  • Bug Fixed and Errors.
  • Added Flowers and Flower Seed made of Chains or From Chains


Installation Guides

Por favor haga más baratas las cadenas, si no se vuelve la mayor estupidez hacer una armadura
Mmm, seguro, es bastante caro. En su lugar, haré 2 pepitas de hierro para fabricar cadenas.
Pero en realidad creo que esa es la elaboración de cadenas, tal vez pueda cambiarlo