Published on CurseForge November 11, 2024 (Updated on February 10, 2025)


Select version for changelog:

  • Fixed Compatibility with other addons
  • Added Bandage Items


  • DownYouGo_v1.7.mcaddon (11.32 KB)
  • DownYouGo v1.6.mcpack (5.52 KB)
  • DownYouGo v1.5.mcpack (5.52 KB)
  • DownYouGo v1.4.mcpack (5.52 KB)
  • DownYouGo v1.3.mcpack (5.22 KB)
  • DownYouGo v1.2.mcpack (5.2 KB)
  • DownYouGo v1.0.mcpack (4.95 KB)

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

Hi, I wanted to report a bug, when you go to the nether or the end there are times when when you fall the loading screen appears and then the mod's fall animation, can you fix that?
Can you please fix the barriers getting left behind? I was running a CSGO style map with my friends but some areas are completely inaccessible because of the barriers blocks not disappearing.
So it's not easy to actually manage these barrier blocks and that's a little quirk with the addon that I am yet to resolve but it would really help if you could describe the situation(s) in which these stray barriers usually occur.
It normally happens when a player moves from where they got killed and are "revived" or bleed out in a different spot from where they were downed
Okay thank you for letting me know, I will fix this in the next update.
you could make it so that all barrier blocks get destroyed if there isnt a downed player within a few blocks of a barrier block, but idk how you would do that.
You can revive yourself by healing yourself either using instant health potions or any item that gives you a fast enough regeneration it's like a makeshift self revive I'm not sure it's a bug I found or feature but it's cool suggestion maybe like a cool mechanic you look down and press the interact button rapidly revive yourself
Yes, this is intentional, I am actually going add this exact set of functionality in the next update of this addon. It will be in the form of a bandage item, that you can hold down to use, once you use the item it will act as a "self revive" but it has durability to balance out the effect. They will be craftable using leather and ores, allow you to make better versions that revive you quicker.
*"no installible files" pls fix :(
Hi, good day! It is unfortunate that this would have occurred for you. Please join the discord server and explain your issue in greater detail.
I'm 12 so I can't have discord sorry but I can explain what happened
so, when I go to download the files it says "no installable files" and I am on a phone and it's weird
It might be a minecraft issue, what type of phone are you using?
If you fall down, can't your friend help you up?
Why of course they can! Is this not the case for you?
Idea:a syringe that you can use it for revive yourself.
I found a bug where if you simply press the jump and crouch button repeatedly you would REVIVE YOURSELF, i tested this in singleplayer so who knows...
it's not working bro.
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I'm unable to activate the bug and I can't really find much that could be causing it?
Are you sure it is not an issue with minecraft or maybe your internet ping?
I've tried to add this to a map with a gun mod it works fine but the guns doesn't downed a player just kills them instantly. please fix it so players can get downed with high damage dealing weapons instead of dying instantly.
theres a bug the mob still attacking when i downed
Can you please, resolve this problem?
When you have a totem you can not be saved for yourself, and the totem can not give you more time to be saved.
Can you make a subpack instead of player get down when hp is less than 25% player get down when they die
He said he wouldn't be able to because then he would have to use player.json which would ruin the compatibility with other packs. Scroll down a bit and you might find me asking for the same thing. In my opinion, no player.json is way better.
I’m not sure if you can do anything about this but can u make it so we get downed in a different way sometimes after getting picked up or going back to where I died barrier blocks get left behind
The barriers are intentional and I'm aware that they are able to be left behind accidentally, that's an issue I'm tryna fix but I can't really fix it without context about how they were left behind in the first place. I'll update the addon so this occurs less however.
Please Please make it so mobs DON'T attack when you're down
I tested these mods with the spectator and hardcore mode and i found some fails first if u posses a bonnie using this addons u die probably for the 25% thing and second the spectator mod addon bugs when there is more than one player