Published on December 08, 2024 (Updated on December 29, 2024)

Pale Garden Fog

Do you wish the Pale Garden biome had more dense fog to add to the spooky atmosphere? Dense fog can even be seen in the promotional art for the Pale Garden, however the fog is normal in game. Well this pack fixes that by adding thicker fog to the Pale Garden biome and has 12 different subpacks to choose from, allowing for complete customizability of how you want the fog to look!

Select version for changelog:



  • Added 9 new subpack options to control fog density and sky color, making there 12 subpack options total
  • Updated pack version



Supported Minecraft versions


Installation Guides

Question can i turn on the fog anywhere or only in pale garden?
If you are in creative or don't mind losing achievements, you can run the command '/fog @s push gotatrashcan:fog_pale_garden fog' to make the fog be everywhere. You can also copy the code for the fog in the pack and apply it to the other biomes you want, as long as you don't share it publicly and know how to. The second option won't remove acheivements and doesn't need cheats activated.
@GotATrashCan can you do a texture pack that fix the horrible bedrock sprint-running to look more java edition?
one thing. thank you…
would be better if Minecraft added it
Hey @GotATrashCan , bro I have a special request to you which is the resource pack "pale garden fog" you created I want to use its fog codes and combine it to one pack called "stellar graphics reimagined" and I'll not share or post anything publicly it'll be fully privateWill You Give Me Permission?
As the permissions file in the resource pack states, combining this pack with others is fine as long as it isn't posted publicly