Site-19 Remake is a remake based off of the SCP Facility Site-19 from the SCP Foundation Universe and the main setting for the game SCP: Containment Breach. This map is a fixed up more lively version of the facility.
Published on
April 13, 2021
1. You may not modify the map of any kind and release it to the public.
2. You must link the mcpedl site, not the mediafire link
3. If you are recording this map and releasing said video, you MUST credit me via either Youtube channel or MCPEDL article link.
(By BendyTheDemon18) the mobs dispawn and it lags with like 6 fps when there is a lot of doors but its still a masterpiece
1. You may not modify the map of any kind and release it to the public.
2. You must link the mcpedl site, not the mediafire link
3. If you are recording this map and releasing said video, you MUST credit me via either Youtube channel or MCPEDL article link.