Published on CurseForge July 10, 2024 (Updated on October 27, 2024)

True Armor and Tools Expansion v1.4.1

Select version for changelog:


-fixes the bug where armor is not visible -Fixed a serious bug where some armors were not working properly


  • True Armor and Tools Expansion [BP] v1.4.1.mcpack (392.88 KB)
  • True Armor and Tools Expansion [RP] v1.4.1.mcpack (440.53 KB)
  • True Armor and Tools Expansion [BP] v1.4.mcpack (391.47 KB)
  • True Armor and Tools Expansion [RP] v1.4.mcpack (439.75 KB)
  • True Armor and Tools Expansion [BP] v1.3.mcpack (392.66 KB)
  • True Armor and Tools Expansion [RP] v1.3.mcpack (439.75 KB)
  • True Armor and Tools Expansion [BP] v1.2.mcpack (392.66 KB)
  • True Armor and Tools Expansion [RP] v1.2.mcpack (438.71 KB)
  • True Armor and Tools Expansion [BP] v1.1.mcpack (317.67 KB)
  • True Armor and Tools Expansion [RP] v1.1.mcpack (385.35 KB)
  • True Armor and Tools Expansion [RP].mcpack (370.27 KB)
  • True Armor and Tools Expansion [BP].mcpack (306.4 KB)

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The Add-On will be updated to add a patch to fix the issues. Having multiple different plugins that were not built to work together can cause issues. For now I hope you'll be patient.
huh pls update. ur files r literally uninstallable, very annoying. do something about it dude it's just unplayable.
Hola brother, me gusta mucho tu complemento, pero no veo la manera de craftear las amaduras, podrias darme una solucion para eso por favor, graciasss
Does anyone know how to craft them or how to get the materials?
uhmmmm Nether ruby :v idk
Hey truecowboy, a question, why don't you continue updating the project ateneu addon? It was very good and your current addons are also good
anyone else unable to download?
yeah you have to use the website and even then it still gave me the previous version
Do experiments need to be added?
you updated it today, but I don’t think you checked the comments properly. please add the blaze expansion to it, also make it so emerald is better than diamond damage wise, maybe even some kind of new upgrade. also, add something to the end please, that would be great.
hi true cowboy thanks for your goat Ed addons but can u add a Gun Addon which has 3d model again thanks
why haven’t you added blaze plus yet?
yo you forgot to add half of the textures, you should probably play test yo addons before uploading them.
Yo, parcanite is missing its texture/not rendering correctly
what experiments are needed?
look your add-on does not show up at all you need to fix this issue all of your links is the same one rip off add-on recode it better ok cuz all armor weapons is invisible does not show up at all
please add something to the end 🙏