After a long period without updates and news, the old yCreatures is back, returning to its origins with animals with simplified models and behaviors, but with much more diversity! We're rolling out the remaining animals little by little, so be patient, as we're already bringing them in with renewed behaviors and more interesting math animations, but it doesn't all come at once! Now the addon is called yCreatures Trial, why? Basically it's a simple version and it works as a general summary of what you can see in other editions of yCreatures, like yCreatures Savanna and Jungle! Since yCreatures Savanna launched, many people have been asking to go back with the old yCreatures, that's because it works on most devices, especially on mobile, as savanna sometimes doesn't work well for some people, so we want everyone to be able to enjoy it while maximum!As we're getting back now, there's still a long way to go to keep the addon as fit as possible! Explore, and have fun with this amazing add-on!!
(Brazilian): yBrothersCreator Twitter: @Gbiel_yBrothersCreator WebSite: yBrotherStudiosTerms of use for this content: yBrotherStudios THIS ADD-ON CANNOT BE PUBLISHED IN APPLICATIONS LIKE:Mcpe masterAdd-ons for minecraftUTK.ioAnd in NO other add-ons app! It is unique to MCPEDl, disregarding this requirement can cause various problems.It can NOT be published on other sites or create applications!Always leave credits !!ATTENTION! IF YOU ARE RECORDING SOME VIDEO, YOU HAVE NO AUTHORIZATION TO MAKE YOUR OWN DOWNLOAD LINK, USE THE AVAILABLE LINK, OR SHORT JUST THE ADDON OFFICIAL PAGE LINK ON MCPEDL!ATENÇÃO! CASO VOCÊ FOR GRAVAR ALGUM VÍDEO, VOCÊ NAO TEM AUTORIZAÇÃO PARA FAZER SEU PRÓPRIO LINK DO DOWNLOAD, USE O LINK DISPONÍVEL, OU ENCURTE APENAS O LINK DA PÁGINA OFICIAL DO ADDON NA MCPEDL!
Published on
May 15, 2022
I make our worlds on my computer and my younger siblings join my world on thier mobile tablets and ps4. They are able to join in with little to no issues and the addon is compatible with MANY other addons which is amazing. The only thing I will say, is that majority of the animals move significantly less life-like than the ysavannah. BUT I see here that they said they will be updating soon so I can't wait to see the difference! You did a fantastic job! The animals are wonderful and add so much to the game. My sibling appreciate all you work very much! Thank you!!!
Same here , i tought it was just my Device
But i manage to figure it out in the