This addon is great if you want to make a world where you gain certain things from killing mobs or other players, such as a Kitpvp world where you can unlock kits by killing players, or a Mob Arena world where you can buy items using money from killing mobs.
Select version for changelog:
Updated the mechanics so that only true kills are counted, rather than all deaths.
Changes - 8/28/2021
- Creepers now drop gunpowder like normal (0-2 per kill so they may not drop every time)
- Added hostile mobs that were missing (30 hostile mobs total - does not include ender dragon)
- Created kill-setup function to help with set up (instructions and video demo below)
- Created a separate version that includes ALL mobs, both hostile and friendly
- Added tickingarea so the counter works no matter where you are in the world
Known issues:
- Some mobs that dont count are: bat, endermite, wolf, ocelot, clownfish, goat, ender dragon
All Mobs (55 different mobs total)
Hostile mobs only (30 different mobs total)
Instructions (see below for video tutorial):
- Download and open file (it will open Minecraft automatically and import it)
- Create a new world with these settings:
> Game mode set to creative
> All experimental modes enabled
> Activate Kill Counter under resource and behavior pack section
- Load world and go to any area you want to place the repeating command block, and stay there
- Type "function kill-setup" in chat (without quotes)
- Place a command block in front of you (or within a 10 block radius of where you did the above step)
- Make sure the command block has these settings
> Command input: function kill
> Block type: Repeat
> Redstone: Always active
Video tutorial / demo(follow what I do):
Video tutorial:!AsrRf774-ptNhwXSiO26YzEM1e1H?e=C73yhh
All Mogs:!AsrRf774-ptNhwO0eQp5uHx8XOle?e=AR3liT
Hostile Mobs Only:!AsrRf774-ptNhwTcebvevJBB0E-n?e=fPCKkI
Copy the links into your internet browser
There is one issue with Creepers not dropping gunpowder though, I tried looking into the creeper.json and adding min to 1 but still doesnt drop. I thought gunpowder was what the "kill" item replaced but witches drop gunpowder so I know thats not true. Can you figure out why creepers dont drop gunpowder?
Also and more importantly, can you add all mobs (including friendly) as an option? I searched for DAYS trying to find someone who made a default entity mob loot table list so I could just add the kill item bit but I found absolutely nothing. Please add an all-mobs file if you can!!
item to the mob's loot table in the other addon's code, it should work like that.