Published on September 18, 2022

20+ Custom Armorbar HUD

Minecraft has a heathbar since its beginning. Later on, armor and hungerbar were added too, but they are the same since its addition. This packs changes the armorbar to your liking.This texture pack that allows you to change the armorbar hud in 22 different types. You can use it in global resource packs, worlds and servers. You can change the old armorbar to new and fancier ones! This pack also could be useful in servers and PvP in addition of fun and standard usage. Extremely helpful for Bedwars and other minigames like this.This pack is compatible with any textures packs or addons, just make the pack has the hightest priority - top in global resources.

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Installation Guides

Puedes agregar un porcentaje a la vida y armadura ? En lugar de ver los corazones y armadura.
Por ejemplo si eres full diamante en armadura este un 90% y full Netherita 100% de protección.
No sé si me explico
Oh just give me a beta update on this mod. BULLSHIT!