Published on July 24, 2023 (Updated on July 21, 2023)

3d Angel Elytra Re-Model and Re-Texture

So, you like elytras, right? Okay, well hopefully that answer is yes, because I'd wonder why you're here otherwise. Whether you do or don't, elytras are kind of bland. Like, really bland. So, I changed that! I present to you, a remodeled elytra!

Select version for changelog:


Fixed download link, and added links to my twitter, and deviant art

Supported Minecraft versions


Installation Guides

Can I ask you something how can u MAke like the elytra new model like while flying it has new Animation
this addon is so cool! pleasee make more versions, like bat wings, fairy wings, fallen angel etc
I love this honestly could you make other variants like a dragon wing
Muy rifada uso este complemento para todos mis mundos me encanta sigue actualizando tienes mi apoyó!