Published on January 03, 2024 (Updated on January 16, 2024)

Apollo's tower

A prison made to be inescapable filled with Redstone circuits. The prison features a portal then entity check, then a kill check with two deaths, a entity check then kill check for prisoner, for visitor a final gate.All circuits in the prison require a key and each room requires a different reader.

Select version for changelog:


v1.2 (website fix) fixed the change log and added the link to my other build



  • Apolls_tower.mcworld (1.39 MB)

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if you vote 1-3 star tell me why so i can improve
best prison map that I have seen, impossible to escape (unless the guards are bad) at the start I was wondering which button opens which door and then I put myself as a spectator and I see all the systems of the new super compact I don't know how to give a rating but I would give 5 stars thank you a
it toke some work and i think you can break in from the outside but the guards would hear you
wdym i have another build i am making also the build assumes survival mode and is for a neich content type
if you vote 1-3 star tell me why so i can improve