Published on September 29, 2021

Axoloti Boats - Replace Boats with Axoloaders

Are you tired of the usual boats in minkraft? This resource pack will solve this problem, it replaces vanilla boats with cute axolots. Also an exclusive green axolot has been added. Download, install and have fun riding the axolots


  • Axolotl_boats.mcpack (30.15 KB)

Supported Minecraft versions


Installation Guides

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I'm sorry, but I wasn't trying to copy anything from anyone. I didn't know that such a resource already existed.
Can you add custom texture for all the boat types? Like a canoe for acacia, pirate ship shape for spruce ect. That would be awesome :
Great addon!
Can you please delete this stolen texture pack?
check the files mf
you were trying to copy and you knew it.
Do not be innocent, the only thing you did was change the textures of the boats in hand.
You kid
Judging by the way you talk, I would be much older than you are. You're accusing me of something I obviously didn't do. First you should study these two texture packs, they have great values. I didn't set out to copy anything from anyone, I wasn't even aware of the existence of such a texture pack. Why do people not understand everything immediately begin to blame someone, you can calmly come up and explain.
you were trying to copy and you knew it.
Do not be innocent, the only thing you did was change the textures of the boats in hand.
You kid
Hell you cant even explain, and say the one who did the texture pack first. god you are an idiot.
Chill yo dumbass the fuck out and also theres literally more than one boat addon that’s similar to this one i suggest you sit your ass down and research your shit before trying to attack someone of stealing.
I'm sorry, but I wasn't trying to copy anything from anyone. I didn't know that such a resource already existed.
i mean you could be more original with this idea but getting accused of stealing someone else’s shit is something else