Published on June 07, 2023

Better Armor Trims Recipe

Whether you play on a multiplayer server using a diamond currency, have no diamonds to your name, or have many diamonds that you don't want to spend, many of us can agree that the new armor trims coming in 1.20 have a ridiculous crafting recipe. The vanilla crafting recipe is not server friendly and seems like something out of a poorly made mod. This behavior pack changes the default crafting recipe to something more vanilla friendly that is still difficult to obtain.

Select version for changelog:


-Released Better Armor Trims 1.0 behavior pack for minecraft 1.20


  • Armor_Trims.mcpack (12.14 KB)

Installation Guides

this is op very nice and good mod

skinnynervousthing June 08, 2023 at 6:36 pm
Truly a genius addon. Removing a unnecessarily difficult feature while adding a feature that both keeps some level of difficulty and encourages exploring(also fitting lore-wise as mentioned).
Thx for the awesome addon.