Published on May 09, 2022

Better Bees - Melius Apes

Better bees is an addon focused on bee breeding and storing started from a concept I made some time ago. The objective was to make bees more complex, so I tried mixing the way bees reproduce in real life and in minecraft. Also, one of the main features is being able to turn any stage of a bee in a storable item.

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

doesn't work please update it
Yes, the pack does bring bee breeding closer to reality. But in reality, honeybee reproduction is not done by the worker bees (existing bees), but by the queen bee. I thought it would be the closest thing to reality to add a queen bee that could breed, along with drones. Therefore, I hope you add queen bees and drones to this add-on pack to further improve it!
Hey I love this addon basically a more realistic life cycle for the bees in Minecraft. Question can a queen bee be added ?
I have one thing.
It fails to import, and please fix this or update the Addon.
I used this add-on with other bee related add-ons and it is great! This add-on really makes bees more interesting
Fails to import