Published on April 14, 2024 (Updated on April 15, 2024)

Better Keep inventory

English: Are you tired of minecraft's default keep inventory? Introducing better keep inventory! This addon was made for balancing the default keep inventory, if you die, you will not lose your armor, your hotbar, your XP, or even your offhand!

Português: Você está cansado do keep inventory padrão do Minecraft? Introduzindo better keep inventory! Esse addon foi feito para balancear o keep inventory padrão do Minecraft, caso você morra, você não irá perder sua armadura, sua hotbar, seu XP, ou sua offhand!

Select version for changelog:


Changelogs version 2.0

Fixed XP bug that if the player leaves after dying his XP will be lost

Downgraded the API version from 1.10.0-beta to 1.9.0 so the addon doesn't need to be updated every Minecraft update 

Made links clickable



Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

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English: if you find any bug or lag in your server let me know, I'll optimize the addon/script
Português: caso você ache algum bug ou erro de optimização me avise, que eu vou otimizar o addon/script
Minecraft updated, but the addon is working and will work in newer versions
English: if you find any bug or lag in your server let me know, I'll optimize the addon/script
Português: caso você ache algum bug ou erro de optimização me avise, que eu vou otimizar o addon/script
Funciona em realm? Baixei e coloquei no meu aqui, mas testei e continua dropando tudo e perdendo xp, tem que ativar algo pra ele funcionar?
opa mano, atualiza seu addon, a versão que você provavelmente tá usando precisa do experimento "APIs Beta" agora não vai precisar (na versão 2.0)
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Consegui resolver, adorei esse script, era tudo que eu precisava pro meu realm survival. Vou dar 5 aqui
Obrigado mano, isso me deixa muito feliz 😀
Is it possible to keep item inventory from another addon and can it be interrupted every time minecraft updates?
It is possible! With all items!
And I don't think this addon will stop working, only if Minecraft deletes the 1.9.0 API, and that's hard to happen
So the addon will not be interrupted every time minecraft is update?
It will, because I sent the wrong addon to mcpedl, the correct addon is pending rn, but the correct addon shouldn't just stop working
ok I understand, I rate this addon 5 stars even though there is an error where players who exit and do not revive will lose experience but I hope you fix it soon.