Published on December 17, 2023

Breakable Vanilla Beta

This script was made for developers, providing the flexibility to break custom blocks with Vanilla Minecraft pickaxes with extreme ease. By modifying just a few lines in the script, it is possible to adapt the functionality to the specific needs of each project, offering precise control over the player's interaction with the game environment.

Select version for changelog:

  1. Updated script for list format.
  2. Optimizations and bug fixes.
  3. Blocks being broken by hand, even without a pickaxe - fixed
  4. Blocks have no textures - fixed


Supported Minecraft versions

For a developer this is a pretty decent script. However it requires a lot of tweaking to even do anything. I recommend making more "normie" scripts lmao.
I don't consider myself a real programmer, I do it more as a hobby. I'm thinking about making some modifications to this script, if you want, give me some tips, I accept :> I'm happy to hear this from another dev :D.