Published on December 20, 2023 (Updated on December 20, 2023)


This is an add-on for a custom block called a Bucketer! Since Lava can be infinitely generated using Pointed Dripstone, but there's no way to empty the Cauldrons, I decided to bridge the gap and create a block that empties Cauldrons of their Liquids. 

Select version for changelog:

  1. Added more block-detection for the Bucketer including differentiation between furnaces and non-furnaces. 
  2. Uploaded the correct files in the correct places.



  • Bucketer_v1_0_7.mcaddon (13.46 KB)

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

Hey, this is conceptually very nice but I found a bug in your code. Bucketer only works if there is a hopper facing into the north side of it, otherwise it throws an exception every game tick:

TypeError: cannot read property 'container' of undefined
at getInv (tools/container.js:15)
at hasBuckets (tools/container.js:67)
at getHopperWithBuckets (tools/container.js:45)
at getState (bucketer.js:26)
at bucket (bucketer.js:8)
at (main.js:5)

This is because it's dereferencing minecraft:inventory for each adjacent blocks without checking if it exists.
Hey....I got the hoppers to unload this but nothing else was working (chests...etc.). Regardless, I'm super impressed!! I was wanting something like this so badly!
Also, feel free to reach out to me directly for feedback. I'm interested in helping you test this. [email protected]
Hey! I did email you, but for anyone else wondering what's up:

I made a mistake with the last update of the page where I updated the information and not the new file (at least, in the installation section) and it required a re-approval to get back in sync. During that gap, I had the 1.0.7 description up while only the 1.0.0 files were accessible, meaning that some listed features weren't present.

The recertification has passed though, so we should be all good to go ahead! Looking forward to any and all feedback.