Published on August 10, 2022 (Updated on August 07, 2022)

Bunch of Bricks! | by ZallTheChair

Do you ever feel that there is not enough bricks in minecraft? Especially the small one? Well, this addon add 13 new brick blocks you can choose! For now it only add some brick from granite, diorite, and andesite, but in the future I will add more! 

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this going to get updated for 1.21.50?
hello, in creative mode I see the new blocks but in survival in the crafting table only the mixed brick appears. Any solution to this that happens to me? Thank you
Sorry, it's really late (to late even💀) do you try to use stonecutter ?
Troubleshooting: The file won't import as it is, the extension needs to be changed to .mcaddon. Alternatively, you can unzip the mcpack then individually rezip both the RP and BP and rename both extensions to .mcpack