Published on September 14, 2023

Consistent Tools and Weapons (v1.0) (1.20.15)

Do you think your typical diamond tools isn't as shiny as your sword? Is golden tools not too shiny as the golden sword? 

Do you feel that the non netherite tools and weapons look outdated despite the recent 1.14 texture update for all tools and weapons? I fixed it for you, cause why not. :p

I made it so every tools and weapons use the netherite designs just to make it look good.

- Pickaxe designs are inspired by Tinkers' Construct, and can also be played with Stratospheer's amazing port of Tinkers' Construct for Bedrock Edition!

Select version for changelog:

  • Made this Texture Pack as a collaboration and an assistant pack for Stratospheer's Tinkers' Construct Add-on.



  • ConsistentTools.mcpack (30.29 KB)
  • (30.29 KB)

Supported Minecraft versions


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