Crazy Cats Painting Pack

This pack changes all of the paintings to look like cats.To make this, I used  and  Go visit those pages! Now, let’s get into the pack.

Also, I did not make a pack icon. If you would like to make one, just download the Java Edition pack and rename one of the paintings to pack_icon on Bedrock and pack on Java.

Select version for changelog:


-Added MCJE support

-Fixed typo-I spelled the header ‘painting pakc’ instead of ‘painting pack’

-Fixed second typo-while fixing ‘pack’ I made another typo- I spelled it ‘pianting’!

-Ate a Twinkie

-Much preffered bread


Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

Even though this one has a few funny pictures, I decided to make a second version specifically for the humor! It should come out in a day or so. It will be called Crazy Cats Painting Pack v2!
lemme guess.... ai?
yep, very good idea to use ai to create things for u
Nice job utilizing bing image creator for your addon, I have never seen somebody think of that!