Published on March 10, 2021 (Updated on April 03, 2021)

CROP'S Generator V2.1 (1.16.100 & 1.16.201)

This is my first Add-on that i uploaded, this Add-on is inspired by botania mod minecraft java, i try to recreate the addon on minecraft bedrock edition.

On Version 2 This Add-on add 11 Crop Generator for your survival world from wheat, carrot, potato, beetroot(i don't know who need this one), bamboo, sugarcane, pumpkin, melon, Sweet Berries, Chorus, and nether wart.

All Generator is craftable in survival, but its only craftable in workbench, so first you have to do is crafting a Workbench.

Select version for changelog:

  • Changing generator texture so low end device doesn't had fallback texture
  • Changing block collision into fullblock
  • Changing particle when generator generate drops




  • CropgenV2.1.mcaddon
  • CropgenV2.mcaddon(old)

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

Please make the newer version
maybe make a kelp farm as well?
I tried to put this addon in my world and it loads fine, but the only generator I have been able to make so far is wheat and it spits the wheat at the top of the block instead of taking it to the hopper below, is that intended? In order to catch all my wheat I have to surround the generator with hoppers
Which version and device its work fine on 1.16.100 and 1.16.201 it might bug out on 1.16.210+
That must be the issue. Your filter hoppers solve the issue though. Thanks man great content!
Please you Can update this mod for apple
Really good job on this and your other resource generators. 10/10
Please add cactus? Unless its there and i cant see it lol
One more question, will tiers be added to this?
Giving it five stars because its really cool, but could you add some kind of block to the workbench table crafting recipe to make it separate from other addons?
Please add applez
Apple u can get with my trees generator addon
Why all of your add-ons have the same crafting table for the your custom blocks? Can't you change it?
Im planning to do that but since they all just the same type which is generator i dont think its necesarry
Well, can I use on my addon? I will change just some craftings. I will credit you and dont monetize the map.
Sure, let me know when you finish it...
Nice add-on
But is there a way to speed up the generators?
Their drop per hour is quite low though
Right now i don't make a way to speed up the generator yet because i dont want it too OP, all generator had different drop rate and drop time, in range of 1-6 every 10 - 60 tick game, but maybe in the next update i'll add it
when I installed v2 my world turned black
On which device did you play on? I tested this on android, ios, and win 10 ... Did u try reload tge world?
My world to its just black plss fix it plssss
I already uploaded v2.1 its on review right now when its uploaded u can try it... I make the texture lower
please create a version of the bonsai tree the only one that exists is very bad if you create one based on this it will be very good
Im currently working on tree generator, stone generator, and ore generator,... Which one should i uploaded next?
since you have so many projects in mind i am not able to give an opinion but i will look forward to your next add-ons and thanks for creating this wonderful add-on it helps a lot