Published on September 08, 2022 (Updated on January 18, 2023)

Builder's Template +Hidden Minecraft items +Unobtainable Items

Have you ever wanted a flat world that wasn't a plains biome? Or perhaps wished you could create an underground base on a flat world? Or just want a world you can open and the pvp in full Netherite without setting it up? Or maybe, just maybe, you just wanted to see all of the Secret blocks in Minecraft without all the hassle of toolbox and addons. Well, here's all of that in one world just for you! No add-ons or texture packs required.  

Select version for changelog:

  1. Updated to 1.19
  2. Replaced missing ender chest items
  3. Changed Biome to flower Forest
  4. Added better pictures to page


Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

Can you add the items from the old one to this one as well (balloons, edu ingredients/items, etc)