Published on October 29, 2023 (Updated on December 02, 2023)

Dropper Size

This map is a dropper map in which the dropper size increases with each level. There are a total of 10 dropper that are getting harder and harder. Each level is different is require another aproche to be able to finish it. Levels can be hard but I believe in you, you can get through, good luck and have fun.

Select version for changelog:

  • Dropper map
  • solo/multiplayer
  • 10 different level
  • The size of the dropper change like the difficulty
  • There is now a link to the map trailer
  • new links no longer on the linkvertise platform 



Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

You cant even do it. The first level there is no way to get to the top so it’s 1 star for effort
I checked and if you press the button linked to this level, you are at the top. In addition, if a button does not teleport you (which is not normal) you can still access the other levels.