Published on February 05, 2024 (Updated on June 15, 2024)

Edds' Planes (STABLE, 1.21 and above)

Have you ever wanted planes in your survival world? This is the addon for you. The plane can hold up to 2 people and it takes fuel to fly it.

Select version for changelog:


Updated the pack to work with the new 1.21 version, and reworked the code to be stable.


Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

Está muy bueno el mod, admito que pareciera que es lenta la avioneta, pero va acorde al juego, el desgaste del carbón es decente, lo único que sugiero es que tenga parámetros de daño, por ejemplo: Si choca contra una estructura y/o si cae desde una gran altura, así los usuarios intentarían mejorar sus habilidades, fuera de eso.
Amé el mod 🧡
Thanks for the review. When I first started making this addon, it actually blew up when it hit blocks while flying, but damage might be a good alternative. If I update this addon again, I will add those damage parameters.
Is there any way to make the flight speed faster, I feel it is a bit too slow.
If that is not possible I do have bridge and could you tell me where to change it?
Maybe an admin panel to change the features of the plane?

Other than that 10/10 mod for sure.
plane.applyKnockback(location.x - entity_Location.x, location.z - entity_Location.z, 1.3, (location.y - entity_Location.y) * 0.1);

This line in scripts/Entity/Plane/entity_Plane.js

sorry for the late response.
i can't make It fly, i put The charcoal in The slots but i can't, even if i jump repeatly i can't, help D':
can you make it where you can shoot arrows and fire charges?
So i looked into why this post had twelve 1 star reviews, and I'm sorry to the people that downloaded this before, i forgot to paste the script folder into the mcaddon file. The download link is now fixed. I'll fix the file verification download next time i update this addon.