Published on May 18, 2021 (Updated on May 16, 2021)

Every Mob Has Their Own Totem

This Add-on adds new Totems that have special abilities upon the player while holding.

How it works? Every mob that has a custom totem has a 25% chance of dropping a totem, or a ¼ chance if you like. Every totem has its own special abilities. 

IMPORTANT: You need to have Examermental Gameplay features enabled. Also if you want to be able to fly with the flying totems you need to type this command. /tag add @p trusted and have Education mode activated.

If you find a bug please comment and add the word #bug and then state your bug on MCPEDL or the Dimondme8 YouTube channel.

Creator: Dimondme8

Inspiration: LogDogZip, Wisp, Tvel, FoxyNoTail & Dimondme8

Original Textures: StormDrako

Textures Editor: Dimondme8

Select version for changelog:




Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

add the warden totem
ability- Lots of health, fire resistance, no knockback, strong, Sonic Boom
disability- Blindness II, Darkness II, Slowness III, 3 blocks tall
Update 1.20+
can u update it
ZUPORION_ZUPOLARION4599_SkrillPOCO459928032007900015371248274075553238950703281700224813060960989731645854160243781090703286260328751700221762300722 July 06, 2022 at 3:20 pm
there is no mule and donkey totem
but i think thats because there are many Inspiration
wrong parrot lootable
wrong ravager lootable
and also the phantom totem doesn't work
can you make mediafire download? please
will this work for 1.14?
Hi do the items act like totems of undying or not because nothing happened when I tried i just died
Hi, they don't act like totems of undying because that's a totem of itself. These totems only give effects while holding them or having them in your inventory.

Hope that answers your question.
pls update the mod to the mcpe verson 1.17
I am playing on mcpe , i enabled everything you told still i am not able to get totems but i can see them in creative , please tell the solution.
why elder gurdian textures not load ??
Hi, I wasn't able to get the texture to properly load, but in a future update I hope to fix it.
Hope that answers your question.
It looks good in the video and I don’t know why can you tell me how to fix it?
Sorry, I don't understand your question, can you elaborate?
Like the mod so far but i got to ask what is the spider totem good for / how is it used i got a bag full of em and dont see any real effect from holding it ??
Hi, you can read the description of it above, or here.

Totem Of The Spider
Ability: When killing a spider and dropping A Totem Of The Spider it will be enchanted with a random enchant.

There is no real point in holding it, it's more of a weapon. If you have any suggestions on what it could do, let me know.