Published on April 30, 2024 (Updated on May 02, 2024)

Fast Item Swap! | Equip and quickly switch off-hand items with just one interaction! | BP [V.1]

IntroductionThis Add-on aims to enable players to quickly interact with the following items: Totem of undying and Shield, allowing them to place these items in the off-hand without opening the inventory and manually moving them. With just their preferred interaction button, they can equip these items in their off-hand. It also allows replacing any equipable item in the off-hand with these two mentioned above. Additionally, the only items that can be moved from the main hand to the off-hand are the Totem of undying and the Shield; all others can only be replaced from the off-hand to the main hand. As an extra feature, it adds animation parity when using the Totem of undying and achieves Postmortal, along with an alert each time a player uses a Totem of undying.  

Select version for changelog:


V.1 : First release version, available in the Spanish, English, and Brazilian Portuguese languages, functional for 1.20.80/81 29/4

FIX: A zip format has been added for downloading the add-on in folder format, either to place the add-on directly in the correct directory or for the user downloading it to convert the format to zip with its proper 'mcaddon/mcpack' extension on their own, ensuring no issues with importing into the game. 2/5



  • (86.51 KB)
  • Discord Server
  • Fast_Swap_Items_BP.mcaddon (29.2 KB)
  • Fast_Swap_Items_RP.mcpack (26.87 KB)
  • Fast_Swap_Totem_BP.mcaddon (28.14 KB)

Supported Minecraft versions

13-mayo-24 El mod si funciona, y tal como viene en los videos de prueba funcional igual, lo recomiendo mucho, para los que juegaban en java y viene a experimentar en bedrock
it cannot be imported, it sais "failed to import 'pack name'" ?!?!?!?!?! please fix
galaxyMMMharylpotter May 01, 2024 at 7:24 pm
not the profile :/
This comment has been removed
I've added a file for downloading the entire add-on in folder format. Simply unzip the file and place the folders in their correct directory using any file explorer. You can also use the same file to convert the zip files and change the extension to 'mcaddon/mcpack', and you shouldn't have any issues importing it into the game

You should be able to see the new link when the page authorizes the update.