Published on August 27, 2019 (Updated on September 04, 2019)

Find The Button! (Rage-Quitting)

You know what to do in this game, Find the BUTTON. This can be 1 player game or 2 players game, but if any of player clicks the incorrect button, it may kill all player, and they'll spawn at their checkpoint. If any player does find the correct button, they'll then be teleported to the next level. It is not really in order of getting harder or not, so you'll have to play to find it out!

Select version for changelog:


Setting spawnpoint to correct place

Last changelog:

Button position added at the top of the roof of where you spawn

Easier to complete lvl 1



  • Find the Button.mcworld

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

How do you download this?
I will love it tho like my pet ? .
Idk how to download it ?
nice I'm going to download it right now
Plz help with lvl 3 I beg you
there is a problem in the beginning when I downloaded from the first link, when I joined, I had creative mode and was on the final level when I /kill-ed myself
Okay, thanks, ill see what happened.
I had to skip level 1 because i cant find the button. Most kill you Most do nothing.
lol, bro I'm sorry dud but it's just under the big tree, if you look around the bottom leaves, theres a button on top.
Can't pass level one! I saw the hint and I just can't find it!! STILL LOVE IT XD
lol, bro I’m sorry dud but it’s just under the big tree, if you look around the bottom leaves, theres a button on top.
Level 5 is shown on the thumbnail, might want to change it since is a surprise