Published on October 17, 2023 (Updated on October 16, 2023)

Flat-IronB1 v9: Iron Flat World [Template] 1 Layer. For mcpe 1.20+

Flat-IronB1 [v9]

⟨⟨Template, World⟩⟩

by Sidga420


★This map is a flat world made of iron blocks in 1 layer.

★Map (World + Template) for Minecraft Bedrock Edition mcpe mcbe 1.20+

Select version for changelog:


v9: Optimization, etc. Updated description on mcpedl and more other.


Installation Guides

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Write in the comments what you would like to see in the next updates, and report any bugs, problems and shortcomings you find.
Advise you to go to my profile mcpedl and see my other packs !!!
This is so many iron! with all of this... I CAN MAKE MANY IRON GOLEMS!!!
Write in the comments what you would like to see in the next updates, and report any bugs, problems and shortcomings you find.
Advise you to go to my profile mcpedl and see my other packs !!!