Floating Texts

A simple behavior pack that adds a Floating Text Menu and Floating Texts to your minecraft game. Using the menu you can place new texts and manage existing ones in the world.

Select version for changelog:


Change log v1.4.5:

  • Updated the pack to work for Minecraft v1.20.50
  • Removed the need for Experimental Toggles

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

Can you update to 1.20.50
Can you update the mod to 1.20.50 please
Can you update the mod to 1.20.50 please
Hey! Can i Use this in my Server?.
Good but there is a big bug in 1.20.1. When you combine your other mod and this, when the player does tpi.spawn, sometimes it will teleport them outside of the origin of tpi.spawn while also moving the floating text.

Im not sure if the game is confused on where to teleport you or the floating name tag.

This is a big problem in my server since the spawn in underground and it teleported them in a wall. I removed the floating text and had no problem. But had to kill tpi.spawn, which was in the wall and move it.

I only say this much for your sake because the tp menu mod is by far the best mod. And want to help as much as possible.