Generate Villagers interaction [Mobs Update]

This addon adds a java edition feature:ability to spawn baby villagers by interacting with an adult villager using their spawn eggThis happens when you interact with an adult villager while having their spawn egg in hand, doing this spawns a baby villager in the position of the adult villager

Select version for changelog:


Feature added in 8 mobs:

  1. Fox
  2. Horse
  3. Llama
  4. Ocelot
  5. Turtle
  6. Wolf
  7. Zombie Villager
  8. Zombie


  • Generate_Villagers_interaction.mcpack (31.1 KB)

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

Genial, ojalá se pueda en el futuro con más mobs
Proximamente añadire mas mobs, entre ellos el aldeano zombi que fue el que mencione en el registro de cambios