Hollow and Trypophobia

Scary and somewhat disgusting? Yes that's the Hollow, the one-and-only discarded iteration of the Warden. Check this addon and mob out and relive the experience of this truly terrifying mob.

Select version for changelog:


Hollow And Trypophobia 1.1.1 Changelog



-Updated pack icon, author, addon name and description.

-Removed unused line in the text files.

-Changed all identifier from chapter_1 to whiteamethyst.

-New version number and uuid.

-Updated the vibration signal particle texture

-Added readme.txt and changelog.txt in files.



-There are textures in the texture files which are labeled "doNotdelete" you should not delete it along with the hollow_heart.png and transparent_space.png.




-Updated the Hollow's animations and animation time length to match the emerging and dispawning duration.

-Added new animations.

-Decreased damage attack from 40 to 25.

-Changed the hollow's angry level values when getting angry or agitated to attack.

-Hollow can no longer breathe underwater.

-Hollow no longer avoids water.

-Hollow health regeneration duration has been increased to 5.

-Hollow will only regenerate health if current health is 120

-Hollow max fall blocks or height has been changed to 20 from 15.

-Jump cost is now 2 not 5.

-Default block cost is now 5.

-Hollow will now prioritize walking on deepslate, stone, and all sculk blocks.

-Changed the hitbox height to 2.9 and width to 0.8.

-Health has been increased to 500.

-Idle time before dispawning has been changed from 30 seconds to 60 second (equivalent to 1 minute).

-Hollow no longer digs when came into contact with sunlight.

-Vibration is now classified as disturbance when hollow is prioritizing to despawn.

-Default movement is now 0.4.

-Damage modifier has been reduced to -5 this lessens the damage taken when falling.

-Knockback resistance value is changed from 20 to 10.

-Hollow roar duration is turned to 0, so it will attack immediately after receiving emitted vibration sent off by the entity (temporarily only).

-When hollow is avoiding a specified block-type it will only search in range of 7 and height of 2.

-Hollows no longer avoids other hollows and wardens.

-Disabled AlwaysShow name.

-Speed attributes has been increased when hollow is chasing or attacking an enemy.

-Hollow speed when suspecting and strolling has been minimized.

-Removed the code line for lava and water speed multiplier.

-Cooldown time, range, and effect time has been changed when hollow is transmitting nearby player with nausea effect.

-Follow range has been changed to 60.

-Hollow now spawns rarely underground with light level below 4.

-Hollow now has a glowing sculk-like light glow inside it's dark void body parts instead of netherrack. 


Installation Guides

Just tested the Addon, it was alright i Only have 1 issue with it... They spawn too much. Literally any Cave i go they spawn,
Hi, it has been added today, please go check it out!