Infested Parasites V1(by William afton)

this addon changes how survival works in the game by adding new mobs, items and structures, inspired in Scape And Run Parasites this addon adds parasites  that infect other mobs. This addon may contain scary content for a certain audience

Select version for changelog:


*fix bugs to spawning parasites

*add infected creeper new animations

*fix link

*new ia

*now the monsters are afraid and run from fire throwing themselves out

*new design and texture for some creatures

*new enemy 

*new beckons



  • Infested_Parasites_V1.mcaddon (6.32 MB)

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

this mod is super awesome! I'm really looking forward to an update
your mod is wonderful, I want the update to come out faster and be very good because your mod has become something similar to escape and run parasite. I wish you could make updates every month
why would you wrote William Afton on the addon are making Fnaf 3 or 5
really cool addon, i hope that you could make 4 phase using points or something like that and also add more mutated parasite.
im waiting for the next update!
Salutations Fellow internet user, I'm here to ask if I have your full permission to use this mod for a youtube video. I'll give credit and leave a link to your mod in the description.
Yo, can you add more information, i been noticing whenever a parasite dies well not all but i assume randomly but after they died theres some kind of red grass? Or something, i want to know more about that cause i do not want to find out what could possibly happen if i let them there, another thing after the question was answered or well the suggestion i guess, is something like a mob that could clean and get rid of infected block's so that i don't have to fix it myself assuming something bad will happen from this so yeah that's it i think, thank you for answering if you end up responding.
You look very talented. Do you plan on doing another add-on soon?
make a xenomorph mod with the life cycle of the xenomorph and ad the xenomorph queen
This is a infection mod not an alien mod, plus there are soo much alien mods.
Hey, can I use this addon in a map with your credit?
bro can you add stage system and more variants of parasites
I think an update would be good where the number of creatures is lowered or one that is progressive since in less than a few minutes it is already very difficult to live
Sorry, the minecraft bedrock spawn system doesn't help, but I'll try to improve it in future updates
Hey! Need any help with the code? I can gladly help you with the coding of the mobs
Maybe yes, you can add me on discord, it's "willian_costa"
Debes regular la cantidad de infectados osea que vallan desapareciendo y agregar más armas para que sea más fácil.
el mod es de parasitos no de armas para eso mejor instalate tu un mod de armas
Deberias de agregar el enderman infectado que translade a los mobs infectados, tambien que los gusanos no aparezcan tanto y que aparezcan mas crawlers
en las próximas actualizaciones puedes esperar un enderman infectado