Published on CurseForge May 07, 2024 (Updated on May 12, 2024)

Make Monsters Scary Again! (MMSA)

Select version for changelog:


Sleeping has been disabled

Skeletons now only have 15 health

Endermen now only do 10 damage

Food and hunger have been drastically overhauled


  • Download Version 2 (883.09 KB)
  • Download Version 1 (Just has stronger monsters) (258.42 KB)

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I tried this on 1.19.40
The speed range for zombies is blank, did you mean to include numbers there, like you did for their damage?

Also a couple suggestions, how about making skeletons have less health or slightly reduced movement speed? They're basically glass cannons that way.

Creepers could also have more explosion range/damage, but cats scare them away from a greater range as well (default is 6 blocks of a cat, so not very far). Not sure if that'd be possible but I think it'd make sense, and requiring players to use cats seems more interesting than just stat adjustments that make them a little faster. Or you could also have creepers turn invisible at night or under other conditions. Note that they'd still be scared of cats.

I'd also say maybe a lower speed increase for spiders, but more health. The reason being that Bane of Arthropods isn't a very good enchant when spiders are easy to kill already, and they can't have armor. If they were tankier, more damage would be more important.
I'll look into the zombie speed range, but I like your idea for the skeletons. Lowering their health would make it easier to kill them with a bow or crossbow.

Personally, I don't like the idea of increasing the range of creepers. Their purpose should be to sneak up to the player and once they are seen, they should be easy to kill.

I like how the spiders are currently. They are meant to be fast and dealt with immediately. Maybe I will make some changes when I get to the cave spiders though.
This mod is good and all but if you want a more realistic and balanced experience, go try “For The Worthy” its essentially a better version of this and has increased the difficulty of all the mobs. This one isnt worth your time until the creator does something new
HardCoreEnthusiast May 10, 2024 at 9:42 am
Yeah I agree, FTW is far better than this. I have a server with over 200 players on it that enjoy FTW and we also donate some of our profits to FTW’s development. I really hope this mod dies and goes away because it is just drawing attention away from FTW and isn’t anything creative, I mean all the dude did was change some values in the mob settings.