Published on July 26, 2023 (Updated on May 26, 2024)

MechanicalCraft | Golem upgrader

MechanicalCraft adds some machines that make your Minecraft gameplay easier. The addon is 99% compatible with other addons unless they modify zombie villager. The addon has some incomplete items, but none of them can be obtained in survival, so don't worry they won't change your gameplay.

The addon supports english and chinese.

Select version for changelog:


Added the Iron golem upgrader.

Added two new recipes using the Radiator and recycler.

Fixed not being able to repair ugraded iron golems.



Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

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I am aware of the bug of items not being used, the new versions broke some commands until it is fixed I recommend using older versions
add the ability to construct golems with different metal body parts that can be stronger or weaker depending on the metal used.
on 1.21.0 is disabled metallurgy. it just doesn't work
Yeah, mojang removed holiday content creator, now alot of addons are broken
Add nickel (garnierite ore)
Nickel -> 3 nickel coins -> trading
Nickel refining process just like other metals
And a crucible? (Place the crucible on top of the heater, it can melt a whole bunch of ores at once)
Can you add an infinite lava pump? (Place lava on all sides and bottom of the pump except for the top face to pump lava out.)
And some sort of drill?(like a block breaker?)
I'll add endless water and lava buckets like terraria. I'm thinking about how the drill will work, whether it will be static or mobile
good addons 👍 Thank you very much
hi can i ask? should i delete the older mod or no?
You can delete it if you want
how about diamond nugget, emerald nugget, small redstone dist, quartz pieces, copper nugget and lapiz nuggets(all obtanible in centrifuge)
also can you add small amethyst shard, dissambler(dissambles blocks and items)and start sloe progress of making every uncraftable item/block craftable
soy kan asthetic 💋💅
This addon not work. Nothing comes items in inventory. Actived resourve and behavior pack.
Tested and working, try reinstalling the addon
I am aware of the bug of items not being used, the new versions broke some commands until it is fixed I recommend using older versions
Can you add an ore processing system?
(Purifier) Raw ore -> 2 ore clumps, Ore (silk touch) -> 5 ore clumps
(Enricher) Ore clumps -> Metal dust + ore waste
Metal dust -> ingots (smelting)
Can you add centrifuge?(coal -> coke + creosote bucket)
Creosote can be used as furnace fuel (you can get the bucket back after creosote is inserted)
And fluid tank as well? (Can hold 5 buckets of fluid)