Published on July 07, 2022 (Updated on September 15, 2022)

Mark's Carts Add-On 1.19+ [Compatible with any Addon]

This addon adds horse cart(s) entity to the game which has a bunch of features such as acceleration system, animations, skin variants, functional lantern, etc. and I will add more in the future. This addon is made for the games version MCBE 1.19+ (Mobile & Window 10 Edition).

Select version for changelog:

  • added new Cart 3 that can be chested up to 15 inventory slots


Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

Puedes hacerlo compatible con Realms?
would you add the version for donkeys, mules and llamas? it would be so cool. I loved the cart gameplay
Your link leads to a dead url
why is the link adfly?

make it just linkvertise
i am very sorry, but unlike before i disabled the "Push Ad' adverts" and you only need to wait for 5 seconds and youll be redirected to the mediafire link. just block the notification and youll be safe, im very sorry though :
Please make a new link with no adfly
i am very sorry, but unlike before i disabled the "Push Ad' adverts" and you only need to wait for 5 seconds and youll be redirected to the mediafire link. just block the notification and youll be safe, im very sorry though :
Does the addon work on Realm or not?
Hey man can you do one for animals?
Also, Is it possible to have it compatible with resourcepack?
I'm playing with John Smith and saving for Conquest Bedrock, hoping for those pack support or addon resourcepack overlay.
Hi sir Mark good model plz use for app addons
Holding cart shop in my hand or dropping them on the ground cause significant lag , especially with other mods.
I pulled a stack from creative, and man, the lag is bad. Love the idea but cant use it for now
i am sorry, i dont know what is causing the lag, as i dont encounter that problem while testing the addon
Can you make an update where you can detach the horse from the cart,feed the horse...
that will take time but i will think of that idea
This addon really fits in Vanilla Minecraft but why is there a need for a shop? Players should be able to obtain it by crafting the cart itself like the Vanilla boat and minecart. And maybe you could also add a stone button texture at the center of the wheels so it would look much better.
Because I dont want to make it hard for the players to obtain the horse cart, all they need to do is to know the shop's recipe and no more complex crafting like other addons, ill be considering the button on the next update, thank you!
Really love it! One of the best horse cart add-on i've ever
Thank you so much, ill be adding more types of horse cart soon
esta muy guay la forma de conseguirlo y me encanta su modelo
me encanta el concepto, aunque tal vez podría cambiar las ruedas por trapdoors de roble