Published on July 17, 2022 (Updated on August 20, 2022)

Minecraft Earth Mobs v1.5

Minecraft Earth Mobs Texture Pack is here! This is the compilation of my 3 Minecraft Earth themed texture packs plus additional mob textures from Minecraft Earth.

This pack includes eight chickens, eight pigs, twelve cows, bone spider, and two zombies, plus their vanilla textures that will randomize upon spawning. There are also some mob textures that is only obtainable using nametags

Select version for changelog:


V1.5 Changelog:

  • Added mobs from my pack "MCE Sheeps"
  • +3D Detail for Furnace Golem
  • Added Jolly Llama and Skeleton Wolf
  • New Pack Icon
  • New Thumbnail
  • Added updated versions of MCE Chickens, Cows, and Pigs

Supported Minecraft versions


Installation Guides

Please make these individual mobs!
Is there a way to make the variations only obtainable through nametags?
Nevermind, I figured it out. If anyone wants to do this, in render_controllers>cow.render_controllers.json, remove all entries under "Array.Xskins" except for "Texture.default"
am i the only one who has this weird bug, where every time that i’m a certain distance away from the mobs, the textures reset? ( i couldn’t try it with nmetags yet)
idk help?
Linkvertise download qualification is broken because the website it want's me to go to is down. I wish I would've been able to us this :(
algunos mods que añaden nuevos zombies y arañas parecen no funcionar correctamente con este paquete de texturas ya que se vuelven invisibles las nuevas entidades
This is actually good! I have a suggestion though. Can you make it so that when you rename a wolf with a nametag "Grim", it will turn into a Skeleton Wolf? That would be a cool reference to DanTDM!
Hello, creator, can I get your authorization to upload all your modules to Netease My World?
Hello good, I added the addon in the resources folder but when I enter the game the addon to put the texture does not appear, I am in version 1.18.12
HOLA BUENAS TARDES , he utilizado todos tus trabajos , son muy buenos te felicito y agradezco de corazón . Solo quería preguntar lo siguiente : en el textures pack better skeleton los esqueletos de nieve pareciera que sus ojos brillan ! Al igual qué pasa con la Vaca de color naranja del texture pack mc earth cow , tiene el mismo efecto como de “brillo “ o “luminiscencia” . Se podría poner ese mismo efecto o tipo de color en los ores de vanilla? Te lo podría recompensar de ser posible , con respeto . Muchas gracias
Twitchicca Anaconda August 29, 2022 at 3:55 am
You think you could make a version of this but all variations are name tag only?
Love it lovey add-on but I just want you to change one little thing to possible is really killing my OCD and I bet it's killing a lot of other people and it's that straw golem it's just on the side of the body it's just a rope texture the red lines do not connect okay and it is killing my OCD
Don't tie the poor Straw Golem 😠
Uptade dogs For
me encanta, excelente trabajo
Hello, author, can I get your authorization to upload this module to the Chinese version of My World?
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