Published on July 28, 2021

Minecraft's Hardest Difficulty | The Nightmare and Ultra Nightmare Mod

Hey! Do you think Minecraft is wayyyy too easy? Well.... So do we. So we decided to make the hardest minecraft mod pretty much in all of bedrock. And this mod, is stupid hard TRUST ME. You CANNOT beat this alone. In fact, it took me a full set of maxed out netherite armor and tools just to beat this.


Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

Does this use player.json?
I might try to beat this
Are the blaze drop chances changed? Been sitting here for a good 40 minutes tryna get 1 lol
yes, they have. they have a VERY rare chance of dropping, (that was the plan) but then we kinda made it wayyy too rare so uhhh gotta fix it lol
Yeah me and my friends are making a 100 days series on this mod, and we spent over 2 hours (6 minecraft days) farming blazes with looting 3 weapons and got 0 rods. The pack is still insanely fun but it felt bugged from how rare it was so i figured i'd leave a comment asking about it.
Absolutly infuriating. But you knwo hwat thats what you want you absolute child usr I know uy wanted this I know yuou said thi in the damn vc but you know what? I am absolutely annoyed by the DAM CREEPERS.

5 stars.