Published on November 16, 2023 (Updated on November 21, 2023)

Monster Infestation Relationship Goals Skinpack

This is a Monster Infestation Skinpack for my Monster Infestation series if you are interested in the story or the characters please subscribe to my channel for more of the storyline!

Select version for changelog:


The only thing that changed was the picture but hopefully you can obtain the skins now! 


Let me know if there are any problems!


  • Monster_Infestation_Relationship_Goals_Skinpack.mcpack (5.81 KB)
  • Monster_Infestation_Relationship_Goals_Skinpack.mcpack (2.93 KB)
bro you suck at pixel art
I know...btw was you at least able to download and play the skin? I just need to know if it at least works.