Published on May 06, 2021 (Updated on July 05, 2021)

More Mob Totems: Aggressive Update!

More Mob Totems is an addon which adds more totems variants.
With those totems, you can cheat any death, and also, get some rewards from each totem.

More Mob Totems es un add-on que añade más variantes al totem.
Con estos, puedes engañar a la muerte, y conseguir recompensas por cada tipo de totem que uses.

Select version for changelog:


Version 1.0

- Added Husk Totem.
- Added Drowned Totem.
- Added Stray Totem.
- Added Slime Totem.
- Added Silverfish Totem.
- Added Elder Guardian Totem.
- Added Guardian Totem.
- Added Blaze Totem.
- Added Magma Cube Totem.
- Added Ghast Totem.
- Added Piglin Brute Totem.
- Added Hoglin Totem.
- Added Zoglin Totem.
- Added Endermite Totem.
- Added Phantom Totem.
- Added Vex Totem.
- Added Witch Totem.
- Added Pillager Totem.
- Added Vindicator Totem.
- Added Evoker Totem.
- Added Ravager Totem.
- Added Spider Totem.
- Added Cave Spider Totem.
- Added Zombified Piglin Totem.
- Added Ender Dragon Totem.
- Added Wither Totem.
- Added Emerald Slime Totem.
- Added Diamond Creeper Totem.
- Added Netherite Piglin Totem.
- Added Redstone Ender Dragon Totem.
- Added Reinforced Iron Golem Totem.

Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug that Piglins will have the totem in their hands, but they won't drop it.
- Fixed some other small bugs less irrelevant.


Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

add warden totem
hey can you update it to 1.20.50 and i will rate this 5 stars if you update this
Sure! It will get updated, though it will have a revision on its content as it's quite unbalanced.
does it work for 1.20
I have a question, what is the item drop chance for the totems
0 Stars. Mod doesnt work even with both packs on. Update to 1.18.10 and i might change my rating
¡¡oh no!! olvide decirlo, si es probable reduce la cantidad de cosas que dropean los totem, esta muy roto y arruina un poco la experiencia de conseguir las cosas,diria que seria mejor quitar los drops pero no creo que sea posible....
¿podrias actualizar esto?, he encontrado un error. Cuando llevas muchos totems en el inventario,te pones uno en la mano y te pones ensima de bloque de magma o chocas con un captus o pasas por ensima de un arbusto ¡cuenta como si murieses instantaneamente! y esto hace un bug muy roto para farmear esmeraldas o cualquier item "infinitamente" deporsi se me hacia ya muy roto que den cosas los totems de esa forma aun mas, cuando esto sea actualizado y este problema solucionado le dare 5 estrellas, el mod tiene buen potencial pero le hace falta mas :).
slownees lol
I am asking this to the creator of this addon. Honestly, Can you update this totem to non experimental, because when I turn on experiments and play survival with my friends, after 10 minutes the world crashes and minecraft automatically closes. Totems you maked are so cool but the problem is we can play this mod only with experiments on, otherwise the totems are not seen. So can you change this mode to non experimental.......Plzzzzzzz........
To non experimental plzzzzzz
Right now it's impossible to change it to non experimental, because custom items are an experimental feature. Sorry.
Hey can i know that which app you used to make this add-on?, Can I play it on
I'm not using any sort of app that makes incredibly easy to make addons. I made it with programming software. And Secondly, yes, it's for 1.16+.
I love the mod, because I kill a hostile mob gives me his totem (in my vanilla I have all :D) but he did not give what he says to dinare once he got, and then I write this comment here because discord I do not have it, if you could fix this problem, it's a beautiful mod, really.
La verdad este es un buen mod pero deben arreglar un bug de que cuando una bruja o un blaze está cerca tuyo te cierra el juego si lo arreglaran sería el mod perfecto
How to use totem if i click it it does notting i try it only that addon only with experemental it still foes not work but i see totem i just idk how to use It :)
Like a normal totem of unduing
Die get effects