Published on February 12, 2024 (Updated on February 11, 2024)

Niel's Culinary, THE RETURN (V1.0)

There were rumors that Niel's Culinary would be toast, but here we are again in the game with the NEW 1.0 VERSION!

It's worth remembering that you can read about the news in a chosen language below, but you can also skip directly to the download part (I know you're excited ;D)

But I also need to say that reading about the new features if you don't yet know the addon completely will be very important, take the time to read about them, it will be quick, I promise!

Select version for changelog:

  • Fixed a lot of bugs;
  • Added cucumber and olive + new resources;
  • Added new machine, the grill + new resources;
  • Added new mob trader + mini-lore;
  • Added new dishes + new resources;
  • Added new mechanics for collecting mugs and cups;
  • New features for knives and spice pots;
  • Some retextured items;
  • Structures that appear around the world will now not modify the terrain around them.


Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

por favor atualiza pra nova versão do mine :((
Holis Durazno! ¿cuando har'ás un update para la ultima version de minecraft?:3
add goddam mcaddon file plz dev
Zacur Córdova Mesina July 19, 2024 at 10:10 pm
¿Podriamos tener las recetas en un libro?
El crasteo del mortero es con esmeralda lo cual es difícil de encontrar
Atualiza para a 1.20.80!!!
An update please T-T
¡Me encanta tu complemento!
Podrías actualizarlo a la .20.71
Me sale el congelador de helados invisible. 😞
Could u make a cook book that shows how to make all the items? because the machine guide doesn’t help at all and maybe make more foods placeable on plates like the burgers so like the cupcakes and jello and doughnuts
queria que existisse uma receita para criar os barris de vinho, cerveja e hidromel, eu só os encontro nas estruturas dos sapos sigilosos, mas não consigo os coletar
I can't download the mod
Does it need experimental mode?
I've have spent 2 hours trying to get to the next step of making coffee. So far I have it in a tin. But I can't figure out how to open it. Which machine do I use?