Published on December 20, 2020 (Updated on June 09, 2021)

[OP] Simple Survival World!

Well today its a very OVERPOWERED simple survival world!! Whats in it a small decent survival base with small area of crimson forest collided with the infinite bamboo forest on overworld! loads! So what are you waiting for? Hurry and download to experience the best fun ever! [OP] Simple survival world got you covered! 😁

Select version for changelog:


Added more structures!

Added Charmander statue! (Took me around 3hr to finish)

Added Huge Mansion!

More houses added!

Added Axolotl pond

Added Glow Squid pond

Added Goat farm!



  • OP_Simple_survival_world_V3.mcworld (14.3 MB)
  • OP-Simple-survival-world

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

Why is it that it's bad and good at the same time???
your arrow crashed my game >=(
and... are you hacking?
those enchants are mad sus, man
This is actual trash you built nearly nothing in the map you copied pasted nearly everything and the few things you did make only made it worse locations of builds were terrible the only good thing you did was enchants because you didn't add any of the curses onto the gear
SimpleSurvivalisthebest June 10, 2021 at 7:27 pm
Good Job btw maybe teach me somedays on buildings?
SimpleSurvivalisthebest June 10, 2021 at 7:24 pm
One of the well made amazing survival map ever! 5/5 really good worth download and worth your time to play! None Modded survival map is great like this one!
Awesome map. I'm speechless on how good da map is. Well made Love it alot! Looking forward for more exciting updates!
SUCH A WONDERFUL MAP! It's really great like no Joke! Good effort on the map! Really love it playing on it! No mods too which is great!
Hi ! Can you make a map with achievements on and in survival your skill meets the best ive seen! With hard efforts you could become an ultimate developer I believe in you buddy :) have a gday
Is this no cheats? Just wondering. :)
Sort of cuz i used Mcctoolchest to get the best enchantment in other word edited enchantment to make it look OP.