Published on October 02, 2023 (Updated on May 25, 2024)

Ores and Biomes Release 4.0.0 - Structure Update

Hello! I've been working on this mod for 3 years now! Over these three years, I have been able to release it more than once, show you something interesting and give you the opportunity to test yourself in all of this! Thank you for being with us!

Select version for changelog:


Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug when some people, when using any table, the game froze and did not allow them to do anything
  • Translation errors corrected


Known bugs

  • For some reason, custom pickaxes do not have the ability to change the mining speed of redstone ore



  • Changed the textures of some blocks, items and armor



  • Ores and Biomes Release 4.0.0.mcaddon (1.04 MB)

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

Who is donald?!?!?!?
It depends where, each place has its own secret.
Hey,am I the only one who can not find smokey quartz,jasper or nether ores in the nether?Anyone know at what level they spawn?
Generation of ores in for citrine from 35 jasper and quartz from 50 for titanium from 10 to 35 Make sure you are using version 1.20.70 or higher
At least credit Crydigo for using their textures without permission, that's called 'stealing'
Pon para descargarlo máquina
Realmente no entendí tu pregunta
heyy please tell us more about durability and efficiency which ores are better
Your goal is to extract the most valuable ore, there is an article for each release, you can understand everything in it
why i cant Craft rube and Saphire tolls
Because read the article of release 2.0.0, a complication of crafting has been introduced
Great mod, you should make something new like add biome based ore generation: malachite spawns only in desert or mesa, amber only in mesa.... do that with all this materials and make that different materials have different uses, like materials found in ice biomes have fire restistance.... this mod idea have a lot of potential to create a dynamic gameplay.
If I make it so that each ore is in its own biome, it will be a chaos of the world, firstly, it will become more difficult to find important ores, this will be where most of the complaints will come from. Secondly, I’m already trying to scatter the ores around the world and their quantity as much as possible, I only made 2 ores that have their own biome, because this is how it will be, they are difficult to get there anyway! I'm currently working on a global update.
it is just to create more space between gears, more adventure, harder to finish, i was thinking about something like Fortnite Lego becouse to complete the game you need to: first complete plains gear then go to the desert and desert caves, then in snow and snow caves, then in snow peaks. it makes the game better becouse you cant go straight up to snow you have to visit al the world
In my mod there is a sword called Voobrosite, and this very Voobrosite is very difficult to get
Why some items are glichted
Please write this to me by email, it is listed above. And give me screenshots or videos so I know what’s wrong. Also indicate what you are playing with the mod on and what version it is on Minecraft
En estos momentos estoy usando este addon para un video. Aunque la verdad no entiendo algunas cosas de las elaboración. Veré si conforme avanzó en el mundo aprendo a elaborar todas las recetas
¡Gracias por usar este mod! ¡Este mod está esperando muchas actualizaciones! ¡Ahora se está preparando una actualización importante y además de todo esto agregaré tu idioma!
it says no available files
How is it not? If they weren't there, I wouldn't be allowed to publish the mod.
how do i find manganese? i already go to desert and mined for almost a hour but found nothing. Any tip?
Manganese only moves in sandstone!
and also creating other mods too i love complexity mods that make minecraft more difficult, realistic, mythical, and fun all at the same time
You can contact me by mail. What can I offer
how do i get your email? and i want share ideas about more things you can add along with uses for the ores that dont have any yet and also new uses for some that do
You can write to me by email and indicate your nickname so that I can understand who wrote to me.