Pixel Perfection: Revived

Pixel Perfection is a texture pack that has been constantly worked on since way back in beta (under a different name) and I plan to keep working on it AT LEAST until Minecraft is no longer being updated. It is vibrant yet gritty at the same time - a bit of fantasy medieval. If this is the kind of resource pack you like then look no further! 

Select version for changelog:


Updated to include admin note - hopefully they read it since they didn't bother reading the description last time. 


The pack is hopefully back online for everyone to enjoy! We are happy we can not only port but revive this pack for all to enjoy, 1.20 update coming ASAP

Supported Minecraft versions


Installation Guides

la cama y el zombi están bugiados
i love this texture. but the zombie and the bed is bugged. at least those ones but i think there might be more bugs
there is bugs on 1.20.40 like the bed and the zombie texture
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