Published on November 26, 2023

Playable Zombie Mode V1.0


This add-on for your Minecraft game simulates the behaviors of the vanilla Minecraft zombie through your in-game character. From now on, using this lightweight add-on that includes only the Behavior Pack, you'll be able to play as a zombie and take on new challenges either with friends or solo. Moreover, if you combine it with a zombie skin, the experience becomes even more immersive!


Este add-on para tu juego de Minecraft, simula a través de tu personaje, los comportamientos del zombie vanilla de Minecraft. Desde ahora usando este liviano add-on que solo cuenta con el Behavior Pack, podrás jugar como un zombie, y proponerte nuevos retos en compañía de amigos o en solitario. Además, ¡si lo combinas con una skin de zombie, todo se hace más inmersivo!

Select version for changelog:


The player's behavior has been modified to resemble that of the zombie.

Installation Guides