Published on September 07, 2023 (Updated on March 18, 2024)

Player Hitbox Bedrock

Have you ever dreamed of seeing the hitbox of a player in Minecraft? This is possible with this resource pack, which is compatible with most servers. With this resource pack, you will always know where to aim to inflict damage. This will give you an advantage in combat and increase your chances of winning.


Select version for changelog:

  1. Changed the link
  2. Hitbox does not change color when taking damage
  3. Hitbox for fire damage does not change color



Installation Guides

Make a version to show ALL Hitboxes as entities
I can't import it with the app
Is there any key to turn it on off like on java ?


"is_hurt_color": {
"r": "0.0",
"g": "0.0",
"b": "0.0",
"a": "0.0"

to the render controller files for the hitbox.
This "disables" the damage color for the hitbox, like it is on Minecraft Java Edition.

Credits are not needed :)
I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time. I ended up forgetting. Thank you for reminding me.
This is an amazing texture pack I especially love using it to mess with my friends, and on anarchy servers
This isn't the player's actual hitbox, right? Just an idea of how it Bedrock Edition player hitboxes function? I've tested the pack and noticed that part of the hitbox (outlined around the player) will clip through blocks when hugging up against a wall.

Usually, the hitbox is responsible for stopping the player from clipping through blocks (and, of course, taking damage). I'm just wondering because that little detail felt off to me.
This is an almost exact hitbox, since I don't know its actual dimensions. But I can say for sure that the player’s hitbox in bedrock is larger, and the collision box is the same size as in Java.
I see - was just curious because I did some testing with it (and also used Java Edition's hitbox as a reference) and found some inconsistencies. It makes sense that the Bedrock Edition's hitbox is bigger - I did notice that as well. With all that said, this pack is pretty good. Well done.
Hitbox and collision box are not the same thing.
The hitbox is responsible for interactions between entities such as taking damage from getting attacked, being able to right-click villagers for trading, an entity's ability to detect a specific entity, etc. The collision box is what will determine whether an entity is colliding with blocks and entities and is used to stop entities from going through other entities and/or blocks. When the player is in spectator mode, they are given the mayfly ability and the collision box is disabled.
hello i was wondering if there is anyway you could make this pack compatible with a animation pack? hope u answer
To make resource packs compatible you need to: 1) Change the name of the resource pack from .mcpack to .zip 2) Unpack two resource packs 3) Open the file player.entity.json which is located in the entity folder and copy the missing code from one of the resource packs to another resource pack 4) Pack resource packs into zip archives 5) Rename resource packs from .zip to .mcpack 6) Import resource packs into Minecraft 7) When you enable them, you need to put the modified resource pack HIGHER than the resource pack from which you copied the missing code. (If you add the missing code to both resource packs, it will not matter in which order the resource packs should be included)
Thanks for Ruining servers, you're really doing so much for the community.
Also this is literally cheating, seeing hotboxes through walls is 1000% cheating. Most server minigames are gonna be exploited heavily thanks to you.
The feature that allows you to see players hitboxes through walls is no different from other ESP texture packs, which also allow you to see chests and other mobs through walls.
This is just pathetic, I never thought the Minecraft community could stupe this low and get away with it. I get if people do this if they're bad at the game or play anarchy servers, but on actual servers that involve skill and competition is literally just ruined because people can just make multiple accounts and cheat without anyone knowing...
You people just don't care at all. 💀☠️
I never said to use this resource pack on regular servers like CubeCraft or Hive.
The creator of this pack included an option to disable the ability to see through walls and strongly recommended against using this pack in non-anarchy servers such as hive and cubecraft.
can you do 1.20.1
To import this texture pack into an older version of Minecraft, you need to change the minimum launchable version in the manifest.json file to the one you need. (I have not tested versions lower than 1.20.10 and therefore the texture pack may behave unstable)
No, I wrote the code myself. But it wouldn’t be true if I said that this was entirely my idea. I was inspired by the Player Hitbox Display resource pack. And due to the fact that Player Hitbox Display has not been updated, it has its own shortcomings, which I corrected in my resource pack.
You put a no ad link!?
What a Chad, respect+
this is similar to the old one bit has a swimming hotbox now