Published on October 12, 2023

Pumpkin Sword - v1.0.0 [RELEASE]

The Pumpkin Sword is a cool companion to your Minecraft Bedrock world, just like the Pumpkin Spider. It's shaped like a pumpkin but sharp, adding fun and adventure to your gameplay.Whether you're exploring with your Pumpkin Spider or need a unique weapon to fend off foes,the Pumpkin Sword is the perfect choice for your Minecraft adventures.

Select version for changelog:


!! 10 - 10 - 2023 !!

This is release of this addon.
There maybe still a lot of bug,
but we're improving and fixing it.
one by one, so please be gentle and wait
for lastest update.

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

you should put all of the pumpkin extras and weapons into one addon and make it like fortify. make it really cool and all one thing. give it a name like halloween something ya know
model looks good