Published on June 18, 2020 (Updated on March 18, 2024)

Quarry Add-On

A block that extracts ores like diamonds, iron, coal, gold, red stone, emerald and everything that is found, such as stone, obsidian, dirt, etc. And of course, lava and water will not be a nuisance to the machine.

Select version for changelog:

  • The addon works correctly again in Minecraft 1.20.70
  • Small changes


Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

Guys, I always update my addons for the latest versions of Minecraft on my Discord server before any website, look for the Discord link at the end of the description.
mod does not work at all, imagine playing for days to finally get all you need for the quarry and realize it doesn't work 💔
You are probably playing on an outdated version, look for the addon update for Minecraft 1.20.80 on my Discord server.
No funciona. Totalmente despejado y aun toma bloques serca. Tambien lo probé en creativo y utilizando solo este addon y aún así no funciona. Espero una respuesta, gracias!
Probablemente estés jugando en una versión desactualizada del addon, busca la actualización del addon para Minecraft 1.20.80 en mi servidor de Discord.
hey the quarry works great, but i have a question, it keeps on spamming ld:help. why is it doing so everytime i use this?
not enough information written on it and wdym tap the four screens
Best Addon ever!

The truth is that it is very entertaining to see how the drilling goes down, it is a very useful addon although I do not recommend it if you are only going to play it in a normal world, I recommend playing it with several difficulty addons. The only detail is that I think the crafting is very unbalanced, everything else works very well, quite compatible too, since I play with 34 addons
The quarry does not recognize that the space is free and is not built in 1.20.40
please add support for 1.20.30 pleaaaase!
plugin not working? He thinks there are still blocks around him
uhhmmmm aren’t these quaries from a factory mod
Yes, I stole the 3d models and the creator won't be able to do anything to stop me MUAHAHAHA
why did you come clean
because it was his mod
make sure you have the quarry Go down to Y=-60 instead of Y=0 so it works properly, ok?
Does it extract modded ores?
So uh update when?
does this work for the newest version of mcpe?
just use the latest vision and use this addon with it Block-Geo Fixer 1.18.31 [3.5] make sure to put Block-Geo Fixer 1.18.31 [3.5] above this one. Block-Geo Fixer 1.18.31 [3.5] is on mcpedl.