Published on June 16, 2022 (Updated on June 14, 2022)

SCP Addon

advertencia: este complemento tiene errores que estoy corrigiendo, así que no se desespere si ve alguno que resolveré pronto.

This addon adds new friendly and evil entities to our minecraft worlds based on the SCP foundation, SCPs are mostly very hostile creatures and in this addon I added some and these add a greater difficulty to the survival mode since they can spawn at night and if one sees you and you are not prepared, consider yourself as dead.

Select version for changelog:




  • SCPaddonBP.mcpack (1.3 MB)
  • SCPaddonRP.mcpack (95.29 KB)

Supported Minecraft versions

Installation Guides

I like the mod bro:) can in use it in scp site 58 RM that i make?
Interesting addon, unfortunately, takes inspiration from Julius's Collab mod, and some scps use official mc models. Good potential and you could partner up with someone!
Hello, author, can I get your authorization to upload this module to the Chinese version of My World?
What 682 has healt is inf
Thank you for your opinion so I can improve this addon I am aware that this addon is of low quality unlike my other addons and I do not force you to download it but thank you for your comments.
I do not think I will download...

Most of the textures here are, well, not really good. Also, all of the mobs here are just more cheaper version's of @BendyTheDemon18 mob's. (Besides SCP-054, I like her uwu)

So whoever is reading this comment, I suggest downloading @BendyTheDemon18 SCP addon, because it is SO much better. But if you still want to download this addon, go ahead! I'm not stopping you!
From the pictures you can see that the textures of the mobs are such that you need to change them and finalize them for downloading, I do not recommend